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Kingsbridge Hospital

UK 028 90 667 878  ROI 048 90 667 878 

Sligo Hospital

ROI 071 916 2649 

Cross Border Health Team

ROI 048 9068 8858 

Information for Referring Clinicians

Do you have patients on a waiting list for treatment or surgery? Brexit Update: The EU Healthcare Directive has been replaced with the Republic of Ireland (ROI) Reimbursement Scheme.

Cross-Border Patients

Your patients could receive immediate treatment at Kingsbridge Private Hospital Sligo at little or no cost.

Under the provisions of the Republic of Ireland (ROI) Reimbursement Scheme, patients in the UK, including Northern Ireland, can avail of faster treatment or surgery across the border with us in Kingsbridge Private Hospital Sligo, with surgery costs reimbursed by the NHS.

Patients who have been waiting, or expect to wait, many months for vital treatment, can access this in the same way they’d receive any public healthcare in the UK and all they will require is a valid referral from their GP.

Our dedicated Cross Border Healthcare Team are always at hand to assist and guide patients through the process that will help get them back to full health again.

To avail of the
Republic of Ireland (ROI) Reimbursement Scheme, patients should phone +44 (0) 28 9068 8858 today to speak to our One2One Patient Advisor, at Kingsbridge Private Hospital, Belfast, who can provide you with all the information you require to get your treatment started.

Brexit Update: The EU Healthcare Directive has been replaced with the Republic of Ireland (ROI) Reimbursement Scheme.

Further information for referrers is available by contacting us at: and in the guide below:

Patient Testimonials

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